Well, that was fun. Last Friday saw the first ever Mumsnet wine tasting on twitter, hosted by yours truly. I sat at the kitchen table wearing my *concentrating face* and prepared for an hour of tweeting all things wine. As it turned out, within minutes I was laughing out loud. Or lolzing. The tweets coming in were inquisitive, entertaining and often downright spit-your-wine-over-the-keyboard hilarious. And before long #knackeredwine was trending, I kid you not. I answered as many questions as I possibly could but didn’t get to all of them, including this one:

Actually, one of my favourite pairings with Pinot Noir is roast lamb. And with the big Easter weekend coming up, I’ll be getting in a bottle of one of my favourite Pinot Noir wines from New Zealand, called Pegasus Bay. After that, there might well be a bit of dark chocolate & Maury tasting. All in the name of research, obviously.

Current white in the fridge: Benevenato Falanghina 2011, £5.99, M&S
Sent to me by the M&S team to try, this Italian white has been sitting quietly in the fridge waiting to be noticed. And that’s the lovely thing about this wine: it isn’t big and shouty. It doesn’t have that look-at-me-love-me tropical fruit. This one just has lovely, light, apple and pear flavours wrapped with freshness. All it asks of you is that you sit down, with a handful of pistachios, and chill those proverbial boots. I’m all for that.

Current red in the rack: Tesco Finest Central Otago Pinot Noir 2011, £10.49, Tesco
This is the red I had in front of me for last Friday night’s wine tasting; some of which was imbibed, some lost over the keyboard as mentioned. If you don’t want to shell out twice the price for the Pegasus Bay mentioned above then this one gives you the thrill of Pinot on a smaller scale. Made by the very excellent Sacred Hill winery in NZ’s South Island, this is all redcurrants and cherries, squashed into a glass with spice and fairly hefty alcohol. Gorgeous stuff. 

Happy Easter x

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