S’been a busy few weeks with book signings, wine tastings, radio interviews and writing. Amazing really, I feel very lucky. But I am looking forward to Friday, when my only plan is to wear a pair of pants on my head all day, for Red Nose Day. And in the evening, I will drink a glass of Wine Relief wine, watch the telly and no doubt be in floods before the watershed. Happens every year. Well, every other year when Comic Relief is on. At least I can use the pants as a handkerchief. And now, the results of last week’s giveaway, delivered as ever by my mother. She takes the hat thing quite seriously, as you can see.

If you don’t want to watch the whole thing, click here to see who won. And don’t hate her.

Current sparkling on the side: Sainsbury’s Taste The Difference Prosecco Di Conegliano, £19.99, Sainsbury’s
I was sent this one, I didn’t buy it (writing a wine column for a newspaper does that). Turns out it is too expensive for the column at £20. But the reason it is £20 is because it is a magnum. A freakin’ MAGNUM! So, we popped the cork on Mother’s Day when we had a few friends in for drinks before lunch. The letters DOCG on the label are an indication of the quality inside, and it really was just right. Soft and floaty; good Prosecco is the chiffon of sparkling wines. 

Current red on the side: Arc du Rhône Côtes du Rhône Villages 2011, £6.39 on offer until Friday, Waitrose
This is one of the wines in the Wine Relief line up, so 10% of all sales will go to Wine Relief (the wine arm of Comic Relief). Made from a blend of grapes including Grenache, which in this case results in a redcurrant fruit-loaded wine with spice and the reassuring tickle of tannins. Needs food; we’ll be opening another bottle of this on Friday night with a TV dinner of sorts. And I’ll still have pants on my head. Not sure whether to go full tummy control or special occasion, style-wise. Given the cold snap, full tummy control is looking like the sensible option. 

Chin chin x

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  1. I am VERY excited* – thank you! I stand by my earlier declaration that I will be giving the book away – will do so via my blog tonight or tmrw. However, the scarf will not be leaving my person for the rest of this hideous winter, at least.
    (*In fact almost as excited as I am curious to know what on earth is in the video to make it "private" – as per the message that keeps popping up – and as such unsuitable for my viewing…)

  2. The Sainsburys Prosecco is now £14.99 for the MAGNUM online. Hoorah! Just ordered for my girls weekend. x

  3. Prosecco is always popular in our house – and it is much more reasonably priced in New York than champagne, which always seems to be at least twice the price of what it is in the UK. I can't go to Sainsbury's but am noting down the name…

  4. Well done Reluctant Launderer. Helen your mum is ace!

  5. BOOK SIGNINGS you know! I'm well impressed I know you! xxx

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