Having it off

There are a good few thought-provoking posts about having it all around at the moment, sparked in part by a session at that blogging conference I told you about. I thought I might post about it too, but to be honest I had four hours sleep last night and a full day’s work today and I’m just too tired. So instead, I bring you news that our next book club book is Fifty Shades. I know I said I wouldn’t, but I was outnumbered (bites lip). We’ll also be reading Nora Ephron’s Heartburn, inspired by India Knight’s piece about her in last Sunday’s paper. Will report back. In the meantime, I turn to wine.

Current white in the fridge: Lime Leaf Verdejo 2011, £6.99, Laithwaites
This is one from the book club stash, from the case sent to me by Laithwaites. I didn’t pay for it myself but so good was it that I am going to get some more in for when Summer finally decides to come out of hiding. Brilliantly lime-cordial like (without the sweetness), made from the refreshing different and vastly underrated Verdejo grape in the Rueda region in Spain. It’s a really uncomplicated wine; fresh, crisp, lively. Much love all round for this one. 

Current red in the rack: Keep Calm & Carignan 2010, £9.99, Laithwaites
Another one from the book club stash, and one that divided opinion. Not the wine (we didn’t get to it, everyone stayed on white) but the label. Some loved (“ha ha, very good”), some loathed (“bored now”) and some just didn’t get it (“is Carignan the grape, then?”). I think I just feel a bit, well, meh about this one. Shame, because the wine is brilliant. But the label makes me think the wine’s not going to be. So, if you like big, bold Southern French reds made from old vines in Fitou, look beyond the label. 

Thoughts? KM x

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  1. No! That's an AWFUL label! Someone tell the marketing department. I am so happy to have found your blog. I went to uni in Stellenbosch so was very spoilt in my student years with actually quite decent wine but still struggling to sort the spit-it-out plonk from the very drinkable plonk over here. Will be attentively following your every blog!

  2. Ha ha, I love that label and I'd keep the bottle as a candle holder but there again I'm trashy like that 🙂
    I also have 50 shades waiting to be opened I got caught up in all the hype and just HAD to look – will keep you posted xx

  3. mummymafia

    As for having it all, I go by the Emma Thompson mantra: You can have it all, just not all at the same time. Seems about right to me. Anything else would just be greedy, or foolish! Keep up the good work! cx

  4. I actually like the wine AND the label, but I suspect that it will be a one-off as it probably will be hard to keep the meme going, but I do hope they get more of this wine.

    I too got this case and I enjoyed the Verdejo too; so nice to drink proper Verdejo from Rueda instead of more Sauvignon.

    Good choices … but as for the books, I couldn't comment

  5. Dr Uncle Bunny

    Great label – someone had to do it!
    Haven't read Fifty Grey Sheds yet – will pop down to B&Q to get my copy.

  6. Talking from the point of view of someone to is very much attracted to nice labels (ahem!) I am pleased to hear that the wine itself does not disappoint even if the label leaves much to be desired.

    I haven't read Fifty Shades yet but my friends are urging me to do so asap in the belief that it will revive my peri menopausal state. Whatever do they mean!

  7. Not sure about that on a wine label.
    I actually enjoyed Fifty Shades, even though it is total trash. It's just escapism, pure and simple – equate it to a light and not very expensive pink fizzy wine…..

  8. The Verdejo sounds lovely.
    And I love the punny label. Perhaps because I am stateside, I have not been inundated with the 'Keep calm…' blitz, so it all seems pretty fresh and new to me…and unlike Jancis, I do like Carignan 🙂

  9. Mmm Verdejo…

    As for the label – I definitely wouldn't buy it because of the label. It just screams buy me if you know nowt about wine because I'm basically a bit rubbish…

  10. Brilliant!! Worth buying for everyday!!! hilarious!

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