When I was six I stepped on Mickey Mouse’s tail accidentally (on purpose) to increase my fancy dress chances at the local village fete, only to come second. From that day, I resigned myself to the fact that I am just not one of those competition-winning type people. Until now, that is. Since I started blogging there’s been the YSL lipstick and D&G mascara from Mrs Trefusis, a lego pirate ship from Tara and most recently a recipe book from the Crumbs sisters. Last night, I read the book – Hungry? from the innocent fruit smoothies people – cover to cover. Basically, after years of feeling that I am just not trying hard enough when feeding my children (when pureeing and salt-free stock = how much you really love them), this book is a guilt-free mash up of recipes, lots of which were created by Lucy & Claire from Crumbs (they didn’t tell me that, I read it at the back. I wasn’t joking when I said cover to cover). In other birthday news, I got the wheelbarrow and the roasting dish, slippers too. Redressed the balance by buying this.

Current white in the fridge: Catena Chardonnay 2010, £8.54, currently 25% off, Waitrose
Waitrose is running a Wine Showcase with lots of wines selling for 25% less than their usual price until 11th October. This is one of the wines I normally make myself walk past. Yes, it is delicious but it is a) usually over a tenner and b) quite an oaky new world chardonnay. Full-bodied, rich and tropical fruit-like, I picked it up after deciding I wanted a white with warmth. Must be the turn in the weather. Made from grapes grown in Argentina’s Luyan de Cuyo region and cooler-climate Tupungato region, it is aged in French oak barrels giving it that added weight and warmth I mentioned. Gorgeous with those rather excellent smoky barbecue-flavoured Red Sky crisps. 

Current red on the side: Chateau La Rose Videau 2006, £6 if bought by the case, Tesco.com
I thought Festival season was over. Not for Tesco, it seems. They’re running a Wine Festival with a smorgasbord of wines on offer. This one is a cheap Bordeaux, but not as we know it. Most cheap Bordeaux leaves a bitter taste, literally. This one doesn’t: it is a little redcurrant fruit-bomb but with that slight savoury aloofness, the vinous equivalent of a gallic shrug. Made from a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Cabernet Franc, this is a classic Claret blend at a very non-classic price. It loved slow-roasted lamb. Long time. 

Pip pip x

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  1. This blog always makes me crave wine!

    bad influence


  2. I think the jacket is perfect! Wine sounds pretty good too. I never know what cheap little Bordeaux to buy. Now I do. Happy Birthday btw sorry I missed it. We need a catch-up.. soon! xxx

  3. fuck me that is some jacket

  4. Wear the jacket whilst pushing the wheelbarrow – work that inner rock chick!

  5. Happy belated birthday m'dear.. and glad you bought yourself something luverly!!

    BM x

  6. Northernmum- thank you, I aim to please. And make you drink nice wine.

    Vix – Yes, catch up soon please. Pub lunch?

    Jenny – fuck me in a good way or fuck me in a bad way? That's come out wrong, you know what I mean. Loved your 'lil vlog btw…

    Villaolivi – I intend to do exactly that. And inside, I'll work the leather jacket/slipper combo.

    BM – will wear it next time we 'Graze'.

  7. I am loving the jacket. And the wine too, obviously – or at least I would, if could get any of it – but I guess that goes without saying.

  8. hooting at you stepping on MM tale….you little minx xx

  9. Yep lovely jacket. Your White wines always sound delicious even though I'm usually faithful to my true love, red wine. Happy birthday!

  10. Nice jacket! Definitely makes up for the roasting dish. It was my birthday too! I got a pair of wellies. Need to go out and buy something totally unsuitable now! And so glad you like the recipe book – I think it's brilliant too, and not just our recipes!

  11. Potty – thanks…out of curiosity, what exactly do you drink in Moscow?

    Spud – I am that x

    Peggy – I know you are faithful to the red but I will get you on to white eventually!

    Claire – Happy Birthday to you xxx really love the book!

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