Amy, Amy, Amy…

I had Amy Winehouse songs on repeat for much of the weekend, after reading a very thoughtful article about her in the Saturday papers (which I can’t link to, bloody paywall). Listening to that brilliant voice, it is hard to comprehend that she ended her life in such a fragile state. Better to remember her like this:

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  1. What a lovely post. She should be remembered for all the fantastic talent she had, not the awful way a terrible illness took her away. Great

  2. Yes what an amazing lady, and so young. Very sad.

  3. ghostwriter – thanks, just love this song. She was great, wasn't she?

    Peggy – so sad…and so young. She was wise beyond her years in some ways, such a child in others.

  4. She was sensible past her many years in some ways, this sort of a kid in others.
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