Book Club last night. We ate curry, drank wine and talked about, amongst other things, the following:

  • magnificent bosoms (not ours)
  • poorly children (ours)
  • euthanasia (generally)
  • the Mitford sisters
  • Caitlin Moran’s new book (affectionately known by Bearded Husband as ‘that feminist shit’)
  • newborn babies (we had a 3-week old in attendance last night)
  • Marley & Me (*tiny voice* I loved it)
  • the importance of Jilly Cooper in one’s life
  • black cock (the wrought iron one outside our house) 
We didn’t talk about the News International scandal (are we allowed to use that word? Didn’t they trademark it?). Bearded Husband is obsessed with it, sneaking snippets of news as he would sly fags. It seems truth is indeed stranger than fiction. 
Current white on the side: Anchorage Classic Riesling 2009, New Zealand, £10.99, Naked Wines
We got Naked again last night, thanks to them sending me a case to sample with Book Club. We had a delicious spread of curry (one prawn, one mutton) with dahl/raita/rice accessories. The Riesling was a brilliant match, with a touch of sweetness that countered the spice of the food. Thoughtfully, it had naturally low alcohol, perfect for a school night (10%). This is made from the noble grape that makes Very Knowledgeable Wine People cry due to its ethereal quality. I’d say limes, with honeysuckle notes and a slightly flirty smile. Really lovely. 
Current red on the side: Arabella Reserve Shiraz/Viognier 2009, South Africa, £9.99, Naked Wines
There was a time when a glass of South African red wine had me wrinkling my nose before I’d tried it. Now, I don’t wrinkle until my nose is in the glass. This one was just. so. easy. to love. Not too shouty or oaky, rather a really good blend of red grape Shiraz with a dash of white grape Viognier, both on loan from the Rhone region in France. All bramble fruit and spice that went happily with our plate of spaghetti bolognese tonight. Another one from Naked but bought with my own dosh, so it didn’t taste good just because it was free. 
Chin chin x
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  1. Sounds like a great book club! Although I'm dying to talk about News International with anyone other than my husband. I know all my UK mates would love to gossip about it (that's journos for you). But no-one here is interested – all they want to talk about is the Casey Anthony verdict (yawn).

  2. NVG – ok, who is Casey Anthony? I should know this, shouldn't I? Absolutely no idea. I'll talk NI with you, anytime…

  3. I am very in to the NI scandal – fascinating/appalling in equal amounts. But Marley & Me? Are you sure? The one about the dog and Jennifer Aniston? Fascinating/appalling in equal amounts.

  4. Claire – I know I should have hated M&M but I couldn't turn it over..such a guilty pleasure. Agree, awful in parts but the bit when she's all snappy with the newborn? Just. So. Familiar. BH now saying he wont have an NI paper in the house! What am I going to do without Style on a Sunday?

  5. Don't know about Marley and Me but Caitlin Moran's is definitely on the holiday reading list – what was the verdict? Have you read it? The whole shocking-but-not-surprising News International thing is such journo porn! They're all salivating at the sheer awfulness of it, while the rest of us just feel a bit grubby thinking about it… Check out if you're interested in the Casey Anthony stuff… I've been using the site to get myself up to speed on what's going on in the US before I head off there for a month in a couple of weeks' time!

  6. Liz – I know, the M&M thing? I think I've let myself down…CM book – bloody brilliant, real LOL stuff. She's bonkers (good bonkers) and very entertaining. Will def. check out Have fun in the US of A.

  7. No such excitement in my evening – mostly consisted of falling asleep to 'Tron' and drinking a glass of cheap plonk. Methinks I will have to up my game before reading the next post 🙂

  8. Rachel – no upping of game required, just better wine 😉 very glad to have found your blog, btw, which I did via BritMums.

  9. I was so crying at the end of Marley and Me! I think my husband had a tear in his eye too.
    Your Naked Wines sound yummy. I want to come to a Knackered Mothers Wine Tasting Party!

  10. My life would not be the same without the Style mag on a Sunday – I'll have to have words with the BH x

  11. Ohhh Jilly Cooper, now there is a woman. Rivals is probably my all-time fave (taggie and rupert c-b!) but her latest was a real return to form too. I read it in 30-minute bursts while breastfeeding, so the pages got rather thickened with milk It's a shame she only writes about Rutshire, otherwise she could turn her eye to the goings-on in Wapping – bet you'd be unable to resist the NI scandal then. Altho I suspect Rupert Murdoch would make a less appealing hero than Campbell-Black. ps: I had a proper blub at M&M on a sun lounger in Madeira. Was pregnant at time though…. Great post btw

  12. Sounds like my book club, which I think I missed last night. I wonder how many book clubs actually talk about the book? xx

  13. Riesling with curry sounds excellent.
    Watched film of 'Marley and Me' on a transatlantic flight: I cried so much my head hurt!

  14. MM – your blog was a joy to find, I heart. Yes, can't way to jump into Jump. Will report back.

    MM also – oh, we do talk about the book. For all of 5mins, tops.

    Vinogirl -Riesling with curry a revelation! X

  15. Oh curry! Don't tell me. There is no curry like the old Khans in Notting Hill (when they served liquor). I'll tell you there are NO decent places here in the East Bay (Oakland berkeley) and I miss it so much. Me and all my friends in New Zealand LOVE Jilly Cooper – and believe me – we are staunch feminists…or were….

  16. Hi
    I have been looking for one of these star projectors for a while but knowing what Im like with gadgets I didn't want to be spending over the £100 mark on some of the star projectors on sale.

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