The lovely Erica  – aka Littlemummy – tagged me in a meme a few weeks ago. All I had to do was pick which song I would sing if doing Karaoke. Cue lots of fond memories of countless times singing into a wooden spoon/empty wine bottle fighting for the lead vocal in Atomic Kitten’s ‘Whole Again’. Needless to say, we sang a slightly ruder version and were miles better than the real kittens. In our heads.

However, if singing now, I would choose one that I sang in Soho’s Lucky Voice last year with a group of old girlfriends. Under the influence of wigs, microphones and fizz we belted out this:

We were AWESOME.

You’re next, Crumbs (both of you), Bush Mummy, Potty, Nappy Valley Girl and Belgravia Wife.

Wine reccs to follow later this week x

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  1. Oh my god.. GREAT TAG.. I'm going to bed to think about it and will post tomorrow. Can it be an old song or does it have to be what you'd do NOW?

    BM x

  2. BM – well, the tag was if you were to sing a song now, what would it be…so guess it can be anything!

  3. Ha! This post made me laugh, I'm living in Beijing and have been caught short several times at Chinese 'banquets' where as the evening wore on everyone was expected to do a karaoke number…my worst nightmare, and the play-list of Engrish (sorry, English) language songs is bizarre to say the least – after hearing my husband droning his way through 'Love me tender' I swore I would never attend a banquet again, but needs must.

  4. Haha. I am so crap at Karaoke, I'd rather eat a wooden spoon than sing into it in front of a bunch of people.

  5. Why thank you but you may regret including me. You know when something is so dire it becomes almost fun – my karaoke was way worse….I'm talking scary xx

  6. Herschelian – what a lovely blog you've got! Loving the 'Love me tender' story.

    MM – Next time, add more wine.

    BW – oh good. The worse the better.

  7. Love that song!
    Mmm, must put thinking cap on….

  8. Fabulous song choice. I must try that next time I have the mic, I adore that song.

    Mich x

  9. NVG – looking forward to your choice…

    Mich – It is a belter!

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