Today has been a bit of a rush, as in time-poor rather than adrenaline. School run, work, school run (already?!) swimming lessons, more work. But this evening has been a joy. I poured a glass of red and SLOWED. DOWN.  I made a little vlog about tasting wine ahead of a twitter tasting I am doing tomorrow night (click here if you want to see it) and then polished off a plate of the children’s leftover lasagne. Brilliant, because as we all know our children’s leftovers have zero calories. None whatsoever; you lose weight eating them. Fact.

Current white in the fridge:  Seifried Gewurztraminer 2009, Naked Wines, £11
I was sent a case of wine last week to taste as part of an online tasting with Naked and Mumsnet. The (pregnant) winemaker, Heidi, was online and able to answer questions as we tasted. ‘Tis the beauty of the world wide web. Anyway, this was my favourite white. Gewurztraminer is the grape here, grown this time in Nelson which sits at the top of New Zealand’s South Island. ‘Gewurz’ translated means spice and this is exactly what you get: fruit and spice. Turkish delight was the flavour description that popped up the most. I’d add peach and lychee in there too. Really, really delicious. Finished off the following night with a Chinese takeaway and it worked a treat.

Current red on the side: Glorioso Rioja Reserva 2005,, currently half price at £7
Spanish reds. There is something about those two words that makes me want to head for the sofa with a book. Mind you, Kids Bath are two words that have the same effect on occasion. Anyway, this one is a real bargain, made from Tempranillo grapes and aged in oak barrels for a year, then another two years in bottle allowing it to relax and mellow until ready for us.  Gorgeous, silky and much more affordable than most gorgeous silky things. Loved my kids’ lasagne almost as much as me.

Pour me another x

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  1. The Rioja sounds well worth a go – do you know if it's an online-only thing? Might well pop up to the town centre branch to see if they're stocking it. Thanks!

  2. Liz – yes, it is online thing (says…very good though so worth getting a case!

  3. Seriously? Zero calories? I'm going to have to tell that TC to stop finishing her dinner and then her sister's. Ma is hungry.

  4. Hello! So wish I had found your blog before I had placed a large onlinhe order with Tesco yesterday….! Am also a Naked Wine angel, have had some glorious kids-off-to-bed evenings, courtesy of those small growers….

  5. Gotta love a good Rioja… and gotta rush to Tesco while that one's half-price. Thanks for the tip!

  6. Leftovers are like party sandwiches and sausage rolls – essentially an eco friendly good use of resources thing…if I figure out how I'll join the Twitter jolly..

  7. Fancy – you read it right. Zero calories. Pass that fishfinger, will you?

    BM – hello! Will pop over…glad you've found me.

    Dotterel – I know you love a good Rioja…

    M17 – good point well made. Hope to see you (virtually) later.

  8. You look lovely my dear in the vlog – sure you could use it to launch a Nigella-style TV career…….

  9. NVG – aw, fanks! I don't want the Nigella TV career but I sure would love her kitchen, even if it is a studio in SW London…

  10. Aw forgot about the BMB winetasting, must beetle I expect you'll all be vrey tipsy by now lol x

  11. Tracey – hoping you made it?

  12. Hi
    I have been looking for one of these star projectors for a while but knowing what Im like with gadgets I didn't want to be spending over the £100 mark on some of the star projectors on sale.

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