This week, I have mostly failed. Namely:
1) failed to finish my book before Book Club night
2) failed to make any inroads on mountain of washing
3) failed to meet one or two (OK, three) work deadlines
4) failed to post a thank you letter that’s been in my bag for a week
5) failed to not have wine (token Lent thing)

But I was given the award below from fellow bloggers which rather pulls it back:

So, thank you Crumbs sisters. Yours is one of my favourite blogs, full of brilliant ideas to do with cooking for children and big people. The idea of this award is to pass it on to three favourite blogs to help spread love and awareness all at the same time. Multi-tasking at its best. I hereby heart the following blogs I’ve been really enjoying recently:

Metropolitan Mum – pretty smart
Make Mine Mid-Century – gorgeous blog, dedicated wino
Tiddlyompompom – spookily familiar

Now for the wines, drunk at this week’s Book Club and sent to me by Naked Wines to review:

This week’s white in the fridge: Villebois Sancerre 2009, Naked Wines, £13.99 (part of mixed case)
Its been a while since I’ve drunk Sancerre. Two reasons: firstly, it is expensive. Secondly, New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc (the grape we’re talking about here) is generally cheaper and more widely available. When good, Sancerre is a more complex style of Sauvignon Blanc, but quietly so. It is not a tropical fruit-bomb, rather it slaps you in the face with a twist of lemon and tweaks your nose with an after-kick of acidity. The soil is flint-like, aka silex, and you can almost taste it. This was a hit with all seven members of Book Club, moreso than the last Sauvignon Blanc we had from New Zealand.

This week’s red on the side: Chalk Hill Penance 2008, Naked Wines, £13.99 (part of mixed case)
There are drinks that can transport me back in time. The smell, the taste, the headaches. Taboo? 1989: hiding out in undercliffs at school, mistakenly thinking that a couple of polo mints would hide the smell of booze and fags. Cider & Black? 1995: year of finals, reason my face looked like it had been blown up with a bicycle pump in every photo taken of me at university. Aussie Shiraz/Grenache blend at 14.5% that smells like Ribena concentrate? I could have sworn that too was a thing of the past, or at least no longer de rigueur but here it was, being devoured at Book Club and the crowd went wild. They bayed for more, but we’d finished the bottle. Always leave ’em wanting more, as they say in showbiz. 

Our next book? Grapes of Wrath x

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  1. three EXCELLENT choices!

  2. Well, I hope you'll be tramping out the vintage when the time comes!

  3. Thank you. I didn't even realise you read my tripe. I've passed it on … you're a champ(agne).

  4. Crumbs – whythankyou x

    Dotterel – I have trampled grapes in my time, not for a while though.

    MMMC – yours is a lovely, original blog. Right back at you 😉

  5. Ahhh, a blog very much after my own taste. You must have the coolest job in the world!
    Thanks a lot for the award, I'll put it on the shelf and dust it regularly, promised.

  6. when i saw this blog title on someones blog i thought now there is a woman after my own heart! great reading whilst sipping on a chateaux neuf du pape

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