Last week, we got a new car. Second hand actually, but by far the most grown up car we’ve ever had. It’s the children and dog car, Bearded Husband said. We’ll have it forever, he said. You will be careful, won’t you? he said. He’s called me three times today to ask something about something – as they do – but mostly to try and tell from the tone of my voice if the car is OK. Or rather, if I have dented it yet. Well, not yet but I’m not planning to ‘fess up to failing to get into the car for a full 10 minutes until I realised I was trying to open it with our old car keys. I blame the heat. 

BTW, if like English Mum you wanted to see what the painting from the auction looked like, go ahead.

This week’s rose in the fridge:  
Tesco Finest Navarra Rose, £4.75 on offer, Tesco
Rose wine has grown massively in popularity over the last few years, driven in part by the much bigger choice we have on shelves of good quality, ‘serious’ rose wines rather than the light, forgettable wines of the past. Spain does Rose brilliantly (and terribly badly too, it has to be said), with Navarra as the region that can claim to produce some of the country’s best examples. This one is made from the Garnacha (Grenache) grape and is simply gorgeous, brimming with juicy redcurrant fruit flavours. 

This week’s other rose in the fridge:
Cefiro Chilean Rose 2009, £5ish, Source
Chile is still suffering the impact of the recent earthquake with lost wine, delayed shipments and damage to wineries and vineyards. This one  is made from Syrah grapes grown in the Rapel Valley and is not a shy, retiring style of rose. It is quite dark in colour, almost light red rather than rose, with layers of red fruits and added structure given by some oak ageing. The result is full-bodied with lots to shout about. Try this with M&S sushi. I did and it was not just any supper…

That’s me: coming up (with) roses x

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  1. Ahh the whole 'what car to buy with three children' debacle.. we spent MONTHS researching this.. and ended up buying a CR-V which does not fit three car seats across the back after all that.. sigh.

    But I love it. It's black. It's automatic. It's perfect.

    BM x

  2. Ha, how funny. Mine's black, automatic and perfect x

  3. Forget the car and take a taxi… plus a bottle of that rose – cheers!

  4. Haha I'm with Dotterel. I'm having both those Rosé's and walking home. Chin chin! xx

    PS: I don't mind the pic – it's quite nice!

  5. Dotterel – good idea!

    EM – I know, pic has definitely grown on me. It's actually lovely x

  6. I like the fact that there are several bottles of wine next to the picture. Do you take your bottles to the recycling point yourself, like my aunt? She can't bear the shame of her neighbours, or her recycling man, knowing how much she drinks.

  7. Troutie – wine bottles are like rats in my house, I am never less than six feet away from one. One of my two year old's favourite things is sitting on top of the recycling bin in the Waitrose car park, popping the bottles into the bin and hearing them smash. I am sure Health & Safety would have a field day with that one.

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