Look away now…

In my old life – the one with travel, no children and a flatish tummy – I spent lots of time on courses learning how to negotiate. I was a supermarket wine buyer and this was seen as an essential skill. I was never very good, always blinked first. However, I now realise these courses were hopeless. What we should have done was spend time with young children getting them out of bed and into school uniform in the mornings. Since becoming a mother I have become expert in the art of hard-core negotiation. Unless you count a promise to go to the village sweet shop after school as blinking first. Not sure I would have got away with that on the course.

This week I’ve donated our weekly wine monies to the following:


Hoping this helps the million newly-orphaned in some small way.


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  1. i know exactly what you mean – it took having two children to teach me the power of 'no' in a negotiation….

  2. F*ck, Mrs T, I feel like I've had a royal visit to my little blog! I would have had a tidy up if I'd known you were coming.


  3. You are an absolute star! Thanks so much for the link. And you're right – I could now work in hostage rescue I'm so adept at diffusing a crisis 🙂 xx

  4. I did those course too. It makes me laugh when my 6-yr-old tries to negotiate. First she asks for one biscuit – then for five. I keep telling her she has to put in a high bid first and then go down, not UP.

  5. Ha, ha Mrs. Miggins – I remember your blink, or tell as the experts taught us!

    My wife Gina loves the KMWC concept – good luck with it.

    Are you going to the Australian tasting on 3 Feb?

  6. English – thank you again for the mention x

    Modern – that's the boys' tactic too, with tears on occasion!

    Matt – can you just pretend I was a good buyer when we're in public? Ta x re. 3rd, don't think so..

  7. Great blog – I love your style and the mix of wine and babies! I'm a wine buyer too and just married – trying to think of how on earth I'm going to do both…


  8. No need to pretend you were a great buyer – you were, even if you did blink. However, I also remember you telling a Bordeaux cab driver you were a goat…

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