Firstly, an enormous thank you to anyone who bought a(nother) copy of The Knackered Mother’s Wine Guide. I didn’t think publication day would feel quite like it did second time around but it was a really joyful day full of messages, flowers and a few happy tears. And then it was half term. I seem to spend most of my time during half terms and holidays driving kids around nowadays but there is a serious upside to this: I get to catch up on podcasts. So far this week I’ve listened to Ian Wright on Desert Island Discs (cue more tears) and Marian Keyes on How To Fail (her description of addiction is amazing). In other news we’ve got some great events coming up to celebrate The Knackered Mother’s Wine Guide including one with Winser, one of my very favourite clothing brands. If you’re in London on the 5th March and you fancy coming along to a styling event (with wine, obviously) click here for tickets. I’d love to see you there.

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